Returning to balance after a very low mood

This morning I was in a funk. Probably the lowest I’ve felt in a while. I was lying in bed consumed by stressful thoughts about my business and the future that were totally made up. I’d created a false reality.  I was 100% feeling my thinking, not my circumstance and I was beating myself up for that. I felt like I should know better.

I know that when this happens trying to “fix” myself & think my way out of it is not helpful but I did it anyway. And then I beat myself up for that. I know my mind is designed for wellbeing and clarity (yours too).

Left to its own devices the mind will always take us back to health and good feeling. Mental wellbeing is a feeling state & has nothing to do with intellect.  We always return to balance.

Today it took a while for me to allow that to happen but eventually I got out of my own way and allowed myself to be guided to a better state of mind & happiness. 


Morning Anxiety Q&A Video


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