Insomnia and Sleep

When our minds are buzzing during the day, it’s no surprise that they’re busy at night. 

While my mind is usually quieter nowadays, it sure has been buzzing these past few weeks! 

Putting the final touches on my program, talking to people from all over the world (amazing), and gearing up to go back to work as for my second year lead school psychologist has caused my mind to be busy. 

While the content of my thinking has been positive, it’s still negatively impacted my sleep. 

Instead of making a big deal of this, I used it as a gentle wake up call. 

I didn’t get caught up in my thinking and try to solve the ‘problem’ from a frenzied place. 

I didn’t do a big life overall- stopping drinking (I heart my one nightly drink), change my diet or exercise routine. I got quiet and listened for my inner guidance system (aka inner wisdom) to speak up. 

I noticed that I tended to be here on insta most nights in my bed. Liking posts, sending messages, making connections, writing downs ideas for posts… getting pumped up and excited. Not the ideal winddown routine for sleeping (at least not for me and that’s all that matters). 

I decided last night to avoid social media, and emails before bed to see if it would allow my mind to settle. I didn’t banish my phone to another room though. I listened to a meditation and talked to my boyfriend on the phone. 

I slept better and I plan to take that simple step before bed for the next few nights. 

Not a revolutionary idea I know! But a baby step that feels good to me. 

In the past I’ve worn blue light blocking glasses, avoided screens for 2 hours before bed, used black out blinds on my curtains that I taped down so not one drop of light entered my cave, used a weighted blanket, worn an eye mask, taken natural supplements, used CBD, practiced Kundalini yoga designed to help me sleep (loved that by the way), stretched, meditated, changed my diet & exercise, etc. I am familiar with all the things, but being rigid took out some of the joy in my life.  Taking this gentle approach feels best to me now. I might return to some of those in the future and if I do it will be from a different place. 

Have you struggled with an active mind impacting your sleep? 


Innate Well Being


Well being is your default